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Revolutions & Resolutions
Posted by Emma Morton on

Revolutions & Resolutions

The start of a new year is often the time we think about setting ourselves new challenges and targets. How often have you done this and how many are you still doing? It’s tough, but as the mantra goes easy isn’t rewarding.  What’s the best way to mark the New Year feeling positive and excited about the year ahead?

Do Nothing!

It’s the middle of winter, the weather can be miserable and everyone is in hibernation mode. It’s no wonder many quickly fail in their new regimes.  It’s important to be realistic and kind to yourself. Set one change or challenge and think small, this sounds unambitious but it will be easier to build up as you create the new habit.

Think Positive

We’ve taken this from the book Atomic Habits, and it’s all about how you position what you are seeking to achieve. Your elf talk should be in the now, so for example I’m trying to cycle train every week in 2025 to I cycle train every week. The more you say this out loud the more real it is.

 Be Real

Ask yourself why you haven’t made this change before. If there are barriers it will be easier to give up or fail. So you may need to get organised, if healthy eating is your thing you will need to prep and plan. Find recipes to follow, find the best way to shop for ingredients and buy some containers to avoid snacking when on the go etc.

Celebrate the Wins

This one is really really important, it’s not necessarily about how many times you made it to the gym but how you felt when you’d worked out. Connecting with how the new habits make you feel is your fuel and motivation to continue. It can shift your mindset from exercise, for example, being a chore to being something you look forward to.  Cycling home from work is something we find as the perfect way to clear your mind and marks the end of the working day and start of you time.

Be Patient

Accept that the impact of your new regime is unlikely to be instant, there is lots of research into how long a change becomes habit forming. In our experience noticeable impact can take around 6 weeks. Once it happens it’s really motivating, it may plateau or you have a wobble for whatever reason. The key here is to go back to the way the habit makes you feel when you do it.


Obviously, we have to make this about cycling, but we truly believe in the power of cycling on so many levels. It can support you in achieving other targets such as fitness, weight loss and mental health.  It’s a very easy activity to build into your everyday so an easy win in terms of sticking to your new year’s resolutions.

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