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New Editions section on website
Posted by Emma Morton on

New Editions section on website

We're really excited to be launching Editions, the new independent magazine section on our website. It's something we've been thinking about and planning for some time. What do magazines have to do with The Bicycle Collective we hear you ask. Well this is a really good question and so we thought we'd set out our thoughts and ideas on the concept and why we hope you will enjoy what we've got lined up.

As a collective we are passionate about profiling independent brands, particularly where they offer something unique and come with a good news story (sometimes literally in this case!).

We view cycling as part of our lifestyle, there's a cultural aspect to it that is more than simply riding a bicycle. For us this includes good coffee, being outdoors and of course independent reads.

Riding our bicycle and taking time out to read a good magazine are two of many happy places for us and we want to share those good times.

We are a community seeking to bring together people with common interests. We felt creating a reading room where we can showcase and profile independent titles was a great fit to that ethos. We hope Editions generates some good discussion and reviews of the publications we feature. A book club for magazines.

There's a great independent magazine scene right now, with so many excellent publications to check out it can be difficult to find what you're looking for. To help we will be showcasing titles across all genres to present a cross section from food to business, art, design and of course sports and leisure. 

It's our ode to the paper round.

We will be profiling a different publication each month, you can order your copy through the website or email us if you're interested in a subscription.



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